About Citra











Personal Identity

Full name                     : Dr. Citra Aryandari, MA

Place/ Date of Birth      : Yogyakarta, 25 Juli 1979

Gender                        : Female

Status                          : Married

Occupation                  :

  • Lecturer at Ethnomusicology Department Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
  • Independent Film Producer
  • Founder Citra Research Center

Address                       : Perum Sidoarum V Jalan. Camar P.86 Yk

Telp                              : +62 8180 4141 719

E-mail                          : citrasudarmanto@yahoo.com

Web                             : www.citraaryandari.com


Formal Education

  • SD Keputran I Yogyakarta graduated in 1991
  • SMPN 4 Yogyakarta graduated in1994
  • SMUN 10 Yogyakarta graduated in 1997
  • Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jurusan Etnomusikologi, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan (S1) graduated in 2003
  • Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Program Studi Psikologi Pendidikan (S2) graduated in 2009
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Program Studi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa (S3) graduated in 2012

Non Formal Education

  • Aberdeen University UK, School of Divinity, History, and Philosophy (Sandwich Program) 2010
  • Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, Ilmu Religi dan Budaya (Non-Reguler) 2011

Work Experiences

  • Lecturer at Ethnomusicology Department, Performance Art Faculty, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta (2006 – present)
  • Lecturer at Arts Management, Fine Art Faculty, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta (2014 – present)
  • Guest Lecture at Department of Art, Religion and Cultural Studies University of Amsterdam (2014 – present)
  • Guest Lecture at Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Kesenian Jakarta (2016)
  • Independent Film Producer
  • Founder of Citra Research Center
  • Director of Citra Jejak Bangsa Foundation
  • Executive Council of Southeast Asia Director of Music (2017 – 2019)
  • Supervisor ‘Belajar Bersama Maestro’ Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (2018 – present)
  • Vice Director of SEAMEX Institute (2017 – present)
  • Curator of Grahatama Pustaka Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (2019 – present)

Publication & Art Works

  • 2019
    • “Don’t You Dare” in Photobook Street Scene Photography by Prof. Soeprapto Soedjono
    • “Kompleksitas Jaap Kunst dalam Merekam Etnomusikologi” in Bersama Menyigi dan Meneroka Fotografi, Media, dan Seni by Prof. Soeprapto Soedjono published by Badan Penerbit Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
  • 2018
    • “Festivalisasi ‘Jazz’ di Indonesia: Dari Panggung Menuju Peristiwa” published by Kelola Seni (ISBN: 978-602-258-481-0)
    • “Banned and Re-Presented: Music in the Timeline of Indonesian Politics” published by Müzik ve Politika (E-ISBN:978-605-67893-0-4)
    • “Ora Minggir Tabrak: Electronic Dance Music (EDM), a Montage of The Time-Image” published by Journal of Urban Society’s Arts (JUSA) Volume: 5, No. 1 April 2018
  • 2017
    • “The Fucking Vibes of EDM” (PASEA-ICTM)
    • “Goyang Karawang: Exploration of Women Body between Rites and Fiesta” published by Jurnal Mudra (ISSN:0854-3461, volume 32 No 3 September 2017)
    • “Song of Marginalized Women” (Documentary Film as Director and Producer)
    • “Ondel-ondel between Parody and Identity” (Documentary Film as Director and Producer)
    • “Mozart Effect Allure, Industrial Promotion and Lifestyle” (SEADOM 2017)
  • 2016
    • “Teror Pendidikan Musik” published by Kompas, Indonesia
    • “Adventures with EDM” (Present Performer Symposium, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory Music-NUS)
    • “Mendobrak Nada, Menghentak Irama: EDM dalam Jelajah Ruang-Waktu” (CAS 2016, Pekan Komponis Indonesia 2016)
    • “Jazz dan Pergerakan” (citraaryandari.com)
    • “Pasar Musik Tradisional” (citraaryandari.com)
    • “Devil’s Shadow on Tattoo” (Documentary Film as Supervisor and Producer)
  • 2015
    • “eRos : Dongeng Para Pemimpi(n)” (Cinewayang Film, Lelare Production)
    • “Lakshmi: a Story Beyond the Hope” (Citra Research Center)
    • “Re-Reading Ethnomusicology” (Seminar at ISI Yk)
    • “Latah Riset Seni” published by Kedaulatan Rakyat, Indonesia
  • 2014
    • “Bamboo: The Melody Surrounding Jogja” (Urban Culture Research Centre)
    • “Carnavale: Perayaan Sejarah dan Tanpa Sejarah” published by Bienalle Equator, Indonesia
    • “Love and Affairs on Indonesia Popular Music” (UvA Cultural Analysis)
    • “Tenganan Pegringsingan between Mirror and Make-up” (Colloquium at University of Amsterdam)
    • “Mencari ‘Cinta’ dalam dongeng Nusantara” (BPNB)
    • “Dancing Together Writing Forever in Rethinking The Human Dignity and Nation Identity: A Review Perspective of Arts and Arts Education” proceeding ICAAE (ISBN: 978-602-7981-26-3)
  • 2013
    • “Fatamorgana Tionghoa: dari Kuliner, Seni hingga Politik” published by Jendela Jogja, Indonesia
    • “Kembalinya “Laki-Laki” dalam Panggung Pertunjukan Bali” published by Kedaulatan Rakyat, Indonesia
    • “Liku” (Fiction Film as Manager Production)
    • “Where’s Lakshmi?: Indian Overseas on Deepavali Rites”
    • “Dancing Together, Writing Forever” (International Seminar at UNY)
  • 2012
    • “UMA, Kecantikan Para Dewi” (TV Program)
    • “Dewa dalam Tenunan Ritus Sambah” (Photographic Book)
    • “Tenunan Ritus Sambah” (Documentary Film)
    • “Pakacaping: Hiburan dalam Terjangan Ombak” (Kelompok Seni Sawerigading)
    • “Fight for God” (Documentary Film as Director and Producer)
  • 2011
    • “Nyoman Mandra dan Lukisan Kamasan” (Documentary Film)
    • “Sutra Gringsing vs Tenun Gringsing” published by Bali Post, Indonesia
    • “Sang Pemahat” (Short Film)
    • “Ritus Sambah: Sebuah Babak Kehidupan di Tenganan” (Journal Tonil)
    • “Gringsing, Jalinan Estetika-Mitos Ritus Perang Pandan” (Journal Recital)
  • 2010
    • “Bertarung untuk Dewa” (Documentary Film)
    • “Uang Kepeng” (Documentary Film)
    • “Mekare-kare, Transformasi Mitos dalam Seni Pertunjukan” (Penelitian DIPA ISI Yk)
    • “Made Ada dan Patung Garuda” (Documentary Film)
    • “Usaba Ketiga” (Documentary Film)
  • 2009
    • “Musik, Determinan Spiritual dalam Mekare-kare” (Penelitian DIPA ISI Yk)
    • “Seniman Bali dalam Sebuah Teks Budaya (Nyoman Raos, Made Ada, Nyoman Mandra)” (Penelitan Kantor Berita Antara)
    • “Nyoman Raos dan Barong” (Documentary Film)
    • “Kandasmara” (Indonesia Singapore Friendship Assosiasiation as Co-Producer)
  • 2008
    • “Waljinah: Melihat Perempuan dalam Jejak Walangkekek” (Journal Ekspresi Seni)
    • “Namaku Kirana” (Independent Docu Drama)
    • “Dibalik Tetesan Darah Satria Bali Aga” (Journal Fenomen)
    • Iklan Layanan Masyarakat PDI Lampung
    • Iklan Pemilihan Gubernur Lampung (Syahrudin)
    • Profil Wisata Lampung


  • 2019
    • “Jejak Suara Tersembunyi: Membuka Warisan Jaap Kunst” granted by Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
  • 2018
    • “Dokumentasi Seni Indonesia Sebagai Strategi Diplomasi Budaya & Industri Media yang Berkelanjutan” granted by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia on scheme Penelitian Unggulan Strategi Nasional
  • 2017
    • “Dokumentasi Seni Indonesia Sebagai Strategi Diplomasi Budaya & Industri Media yang Berkelanjutan” granted by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia on scheme Riset Andalan Perguruan Tinggi
  • 2016
    • “Penciptaan Film, Berbasis Teater Boneka Menuju Produksi Industri Kreatif Berwawasan Ekologis dan Budaya Saing Global” granted by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia on scheme Riset Andalan Perguruan Tinggi
  • 2015
    • “Lakshmi: a Story Beyond the Hope” granted by Citra Research Center
    • “Penciptaan Film, Berbasis Teater Boneka Menuju Produksi Industri Kreatif Berwawasan Ekologis dan Budaya Saing Global” granted by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia on scheme Riset Andalan Perguruan Tinggi
  • 2014
    • “Bamboo: The Melody Surrounding Jogja” granted by Urban Culture Research Centre and presented in Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta


  • 2019
    • “Jazz in Indonesia” presented on Documenting Jazz in Conservatory Music and Drama, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
  • 2018
    • “Jazz Festivalization in Indonesia from the Stage to an Event” presented on IASPM SEA (International Association Study of Popular Music- Southeast Asia) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    • “Banned and Re-Presented: Music in the Timeline of Indonesian Politics” presented on Etnomuzikologi Dernegie in Bursa, Turkey
    • “Goyang Karawang: Exploration of Women Body between Rites and Fiesta” presented on ICTM-PASEA (International Council of Traditional Music – Performing Arts of Southeast Asia) in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
    • “Song of Marginalized Women” presented on Colloquium at University van Amsterdam, Netherland
    • “Note from the Overseas: Music Indonesia in a Mozaic” presented on IASPM D-A-CH in Bern, Switzerland
    • “Jejak Suara Tersembunyi: Membuka Warisan Jaap Kunst” presented on Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya in Jogjakarta, Indonesia
  • 2017
    • “The Fucking Vibes of EDM” presented on Performing Arts of Southeast Asia in University Kebangsaan, Malaysia
    • “Breakthrough The Moral Limits: Song of Marginalized Women” presented on World Woman Symposium in SIAS University, China
    • “Song of Marginalized Women” documentary film screened on Cultural Council of Southeast Asia Studies (CCSEAS) in York University, University of Toronto, British Columbia University, Canada
    • “Song of Marginalized Women” documentary film screened on Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    • “Mozart Effect Allure, Industrial Promotion and Lifestyle” presented on Southeast  Asia Director of Music in Yangon, Myanmar
  • 2016
    • “Adventures with EDM” presented on Present Performer Symposium, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory Music-NUS, Singapore
    • Mendobrak Nada, Menghentak Irama: EDM dalam Jelajah Ruang-Waktu” presented on Creative Art Studies Symposium, Pekan Komponis Indonesia Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, Indonesia
  • 2015
    • “Re-Reading Ethnomusicology” presented on Jurusan Ethnomusicology Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
  • 2014
    • “Bamboo: The Melody Surrounding Jogja” presented in Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
    • Love and Affairs on Indonesia Popular Music” presented on Cultural Analysis Symposium, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
    • “Tenganan Pegringsingan between Mirror and Make-up” presented on Colloquium atUniversity of Amsterdam
  • 2013
    • “Dancing Together, Writing Forever” presented on International Seminar at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Organizational Experience

  • 2006-2007
    • Volunteer of Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta
  • 2008-2009
    • General Secretary of Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta
  • 2009
    • Executive Producer for ‘Kandasmara’ in Indonesia Singapore Friendship Association (Singapore)
  • 2010
    • Producer of Documentary film: ‘Bertarung untuk Dewa’
  • 2012
    • Production Manager of Short Film: “Pemahat Abad”, written by Oka Rusmini
  • 2014
    • Production Manager of Film: “Liku” Present at Transnational Genders Onscreen: Queer and Feminist Cinema in East and Southeast Asia (US)
  • 2015
    • Producer of Cinewayang: “Dongeng Pemimpi(N)”
  • 2016
    • Supervisor of Creativity and Art Studies Symposium
    • Executive Producer of Television Program ‘Dongeng Pemimpi’ 6 Episode
    • Co. Executive Director (Indonesia) for IGFA 2017 (International Gamelan Festival Amsterdam)
  • 2017
    • Executive Council of Southeast Asia Director of Music (SEADOM)
    • Vice Director of Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange (SEAMEX)
    • Member of International Association Studies of Popular Music (IASPM)
  • 2018
    • Founder of Citra Research Centre
    • Director of Citra Jejak Bangsa Foundation
  • 2019
    • Director of SEAMEX (Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange) 2019 Indonesia

5 thoughts on “About Citra

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    Wonderful blog by the way!

  2. Thank you for the excellent critique. Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. We got a book from our region library but I feel I

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